Eileen is a dentist with over 20 years of experience in dentistry, who during this time, has developed a huge interest in Facial Aesthetics.
She is now fully involved in the Aesthetics Field, providing a range of facial treatments and is an official supplier of the very popular anti-ageing Epionce range.
Eileen is looking forward to framing those beautifully aligned smiles with a fresh healthy complexion.
The Epionce range of skincare products were highly commended at the 2014 Aesthetic Awards and they are becoming one of the most popular ranges used by doctors and medical aesthetic clinics in the UK.
The Epionce product line is retailed through medical aesthetic clinics, salons, leading national spas, dermatologists, plastic surgeons and other skincare professionals who are interested in giving you the best possible improvements to your skin.
Refresh Face Care Clinic is based at Omagh Orthodontics and we provide the Epionce skin peel which will help to achieve a radiant, clear complexion and boost the effects of your skincare routine.
DermaFrac is an exciting new treatment which combines micro-needling with a deep tissue serum infusion and is used to target many skin conditions including fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage and mild acne scarring.
We also offer facial line softening treatments, designed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and give your face a naturally fresh look. Get in touch with the team to discuss any of the treatments we have available.
To discuss your skin treatment plan, get in touch with one of our specialists.