You should be particularly careful to avoid damaging your appliance by avoiding any hard foods, particularly sweets, and any habits such as nail biting or chewing gum should be avoided
Loose brackets - If a bracket becomes loose and slides from side to side but remains attached to the wire, please be careful not to cause further damage by avoiding hard and chewy foods, please contact reception to arrange an extra appointment.
Loose brackets causing pain or discomfort - If it is a thin wire, it may be possible for a family member to use tweezers to replace the wire in the tube/band and use nail clippers to shorten the long end. If the thin wire is the correct size but has rotated around the teeth, use a pencil with a rubber on the end or a teaspoon to push the wire back round. If the wire is thick and stiff, you may not be able to cut it with home instruments. Cover the wire to prevent sharpness using relief wax, silicone or a wax covering from a hard cheese or even chewing gum may help.
Missing colour elastic - If a small coloured or grey elastic has been lost, please re-site the wire as best you can. You may find videos from the BOS helpful.
Retainers - If your retainer is not fitting well, wear it full-time for 3-4 days, then resume night time wear if the fit is satisfactory. Feel free to contact us for advice. If your retainer is lost or damaged, please contact. If ordering a replacement retainer isn't possible, you could consider ordering a heat mouldable gumshield online to use and wear at night to reduce the risk of relapse. Please contact us before investing in this strategy.
Invisalign aligners - If you have lost or run out of elastics, please contact us. Continue to wear your aligners as prescribed. Once you come to the final pair of aligners in your series, the life of these aligners will need to be extended. Wear this final pair for 1-2 weeks as prescribed, then wear at night only. This should preserve your teeth in their current position and prolong the life of the aligner. If you become concerned that your aligner is not fitting well, wear it full time for 3-4 days or until the fit is satisfactory before resuming night time only use.
Removable braces - If your removable brace is loose, please remove it and keep it safe. If you have lost your appliance, please contact us once the practice has reopened.
Q. How do I make an appointment?
A. You can make an appointment by phoning the practice on 02882242233 or using the contact us button.
Q. What age should me child be assessed at?
A. Orthodontic treatment can be carried out as soon all permanent teeth have come through. A few treatments cane be carried out earlier than this and there is no upper age limit for having orthodontic treatment. Your dentist will jeep you informed when a referral is needed to an Orthodontist.
Q. How long is your waiting list?
A. Our waiting list is currently 14 months. This has increased due to the global pandemic Covid-19.
Q. How much will treatment cost?
A. The fee is based on the individual treatment you require (i.e. Length of time involved and they type of appliance required.)
Q. Do you do six-months Smiles?
A. Six-months Smiles was developed for Dentists who do not become Orthodontics. As our treatments are carried out by qualified Specialist Orthodontists, we do not use the six months Smiles brand. However, some of our treatments can be completed within six months.
Q. What type of braces do you offer?
A. Standard/traditional braces (train tracks), Iconix braces (champagne), Ceramic braces (tooth coloured), Lingual, Invisalign and TAD’s (temporary anchorage devices). More information under the treatment section.
Q. How long will it take to get my teeth straightened?
A. On average treatment takes between 15 and 18 months.
Q. How often will I have to visit the orthodontist?
A. Once the braces are fitted, they will need adjustment every 8-10 weeks.
Q. Will orthodontic treatment be painful?
A. Most people experience some discomfort in the first week to ten days after treatment commences and occasionally for a few days after each adjustment. Most patients report they this discomfort is mild and we can give advised on how to minimise this.
Q. Should I continue to attend my dentist during treatment?
A. Yes, it is essential to continue seeing your dentist during treatment with us.
Q. What should I do if I have a breakage with my appliance?
A. Call the office and we will issue you with an additional appointment to have this repaired.
Q. What can I eat when my braces are fitted?
A. You may wish to stick to soft foods like pasts or soup for 1 or 2 days immediately after your braces are fitted, but after that you can eat most foods. Avoid sticky sugary foods and fizzy drinks should be minimised to eliminate the risk of damaging tooth enamel.
Q. How should I clean my braces?
A. After your brace is fitted we will give you a comprehensive demonstration and advise on looking after your teeth, gums and braces.
Q. Can I play sport while wearing braces?
A. Yes. However, it is generally advised that during contact sports you wear a mouth guard designed specially for persons wearing braces. We stock these at our reception desk.
Q. Will I need to have teeth removed? Do you carry them out?
A. Removal of teeth is sometimes necessary with orthodontic treatment, each case is assessed individually. We don’t carry out extractions at the practice. Should extractions be required as part of your orthodontic treatment we will contact your general dentist detailing which teeth need to be extracted.
Q. Will my teeth stay straight after the treatment has finished?
A. At the end of treatment, your teeth will have been moved from a crowded or irregular position to a straight one. After treatment, retainers will hold the teeth in their new positions while allowing some natural settling to occur.
Q. How long do I need to wear my retainers for after treatment?
A. Just like any other part of the body, teeth continue to change throughout your life in response to growth and normal wear and tear. Typically, this will result in an increase in crowding of the front teeth, particularly the lower incisors. If retainers are worn indefinitely, not only will they prevent the teeth returning to their original pre treatment position, they will also resist the effects of continued growth and avoid typical growth changes occurring. An additional benefit, is that the retainers will minimise any wear of the teeth. Therefore we recommend that retainers are worn indefinitely.
At Omagh Orthodontics, we understand how stressful a dental visit can be. We are adult orthodontic specialists and will talk you through your treatment to keep your mind at ease.